an independent imprint with a traditional publishing model | seeking fiction titles for publication in 2025
has a unique voice and a fresh story
comes with a highly visible and well-developed personal brand
has at least one active social media account with engaged followers (5000+)
can bring 5+ leads on community promotion opportunities
has a complete manuscript of 70,000+ words (YA: 50,000)
these are not requirements but will make your submission more attractive
Chicken House Press is fully booked for traditional projects to the end of 2025. I will be actively seeking six new authors/titles to add to the 2026 catalogue. Due to an influx in submissions that need to be vetted, I am temporarily closing the submission form to give proper attention to what is currently waiting on my desk. I expect to be able to re-open in January 2025.
If you can’t wait until 2025 for publication, check out the service-based publishing options.
is between 50,000-85,000 words & has not been previously published in whole or in part
has a narrative that challenges a reader’s thinking
celebrates diversity
presents three-dimensional characters in a believable and engaging way
has been carefully self-edited and peer-edited (professional editing highly recommended*)
CHP acquires exclusive print, digital, audio, and screen rights to the manuscript for five years.
CHP assumes all financial risk and covers all publication expenses, including editing, design, and final production.
CHP is open to multi-book deals and may give special priority to submissions that have series potential.
CHP pays author royalties based on net sales
Hardcover sales 12%
Trade paperback 12%
eBook & audio book sales 22%
CHP does not currently offer advances but pays per each book sold.
Author receives one proof copy and three complimentary print copies - additional copies available at a deep discount.
While we are open to most types of fiction, we are most interested in
—no erotica—

Submission Check List
✔️ Social Media & Website Links
✔️ Cover Letter
✔️ Synopsis
✔️ Opening five paragraphs
✔️ Community promotional leads
CHP aims to respond to all submissions within three months of receipt. If we like your initial submission we will request a partial manuscript or a full manuscript. If we decide to move forward with you, you will be sent our proposal and a publishing contract and we will likely want to set up a meeting with you, either in person or on Zoom so we can discuss next steps and answer any questions you may have.
We are taking on a very small number of new projects. A “no” does not necessarily mean your work is not publishable. In some instances we may suggest edits and ask that you resubmit for potential publication at a later date.
Before you submit, consider reading this quick article: The Three Things You Need to Ask Yourself Before Submitting Your Book for Publication.
*Professional editing is an investment worth its weight in gold (if you’ve vetted the editor and know they do good work). Editing can sometimes mean the difference between an acceptance and a rejection. A promising submission that shows a need for an intense edit may be offered CHP editing services at a discounted rate with the expectation that an offer of publication would follow the editing process. It is up to the submitter to discern if this is the path they’d like to follow of if they would like to withdraw their submission and take it elsewhere.
If upon submission, you receive a full manuscript request, please ensure your file meets our formatting guidelines to ensure a smoother experience for everyone.