on writing
- Sep 19, 2022 Channelling the 90s to Unlock Inspiration
- Aug 3, 2022 Reading Outside Your Comfort Zone
- Jun 16, 2022 Why Do You Write?
- May 23, 2022 Like Jumping on a Fast Moving Train: How One Author Began Writing Crime Fiction
- Apr 16, 2022 Ten Signs You May Be a Writer
writing advice
- Jul 26, 2022 The Obsessive List Approach: How to Write a Winning Short Story
- Jun 29, 2022 Making Music with Words: Missed Notes Do Not Mean Failure
- Jun 10, 2022 Dear Writer, You Are Worthy
- Jun 8, 2022 A Most Serendipitous Snap: How One Photograph Led to an Acclaimed Story
- May 31, 2022 Fishing for the Judge’s Eye
book review
- May 29, 2022 Book Review: The Things We Leave Behind
Channelling the 90s to Unlock Inspiration
I tried some different things to push along my attempt to finish a first novel. I wrote on a typewriter to try and get ideas down without being distracted by grammar or finicking around. I went to Trinity Bellwoods park nearby the apartment (which I still frequent for inspiration) to disconnect from wifi and focus only on the words in front of me.
Reading Outside Your Comfort Zone
Have you ever read something outside your comfort zone?
It’s a journey to be sure. It takes your thinking in a different direction, shifts your perspective. It’s like stepping into a new world and you’ll never be the same again.
The Obsessive List Approach: How to Write a Winning Short Story
Lori Twinging, finalist in the 2021 Blank Spaces Fiction Anthology Contest, shares how she wrote a winning short story by utilizing lists.
Making Music with Words: Missed Notes Do Not Mean Failure
Susan Cullen, author of the upcoming dystopian World Collective series, shares about her experience with imposter syndrome and how she powered through those feelings to write her debut novel.
Why Do You Write?
Cheryl Skory Suma, finalist in the 2021 Blank Spaces Fiction Anthology Contest, shares a little of her back story, her rediscovery of story-telling, and the healing journey of embracing her writing.
Dear Writer, You Are Worthy
Jennifer Moffatt, finalist in the 2021 Blank Spaces Fiction Anthology Contest, shares about her struggle with imposter syndrome throughout the entire process.
A Most Serendipitous Snap: How One Photograph Led to an Acclaimed Story
Ronald Zajac, finalist in the 2021 Blank Spaces Fiction Anthology Contest, shares about the inspiration behind his story “Five Sorrowful Mysteries” and the photograph that eventually ended up on the cover of the book.
Fishing for the Judge’s Eye
Ace Baker, the winner of the 2021 Blank Spaces Fiction Anthology Contest, offers some simple advice to help you catch the eye of the judges this year.
Book Review: The Things We Leave Behind
The theme generated diverse personal interpretation. The collection is bittersweet, emotion packed. Many of the stories possess an elegiac quality, an aching awareness of dark and light; strength and vulnerability.
Like Jumping on a Fast Moving Train: How One Author Began Writing Crime Fiction
I could see the lights in the distance. It was coming straight towards me. I stood on the tracks, the multi edged rocks pushing against the soles of my shoes. The ground began to vibrate…
Ten Signs You May Be a Writer
Writers move to their own beat and it's only through accepting their personal rhythm and embracing the call that they can feel ready to proudly say, "I AM WRITER, HEAR ME ROAR-TYPE!"
No one can tell you you're a writer. Only YOU can make that claim.
But there are a few indicators that might help you realize your own truth...