Come along as I share my personal journey from being a young, insecure mom who didn’t know her purpose, to a passionate self-employed woman who left a secure job to pursue her goals.
Watch the trailer 👇
Using the story of her own journey, Alanna Rusnak—Blank Spaces editor in chief and owner/operator of Chicken House Press—will share the freedom she found in learning to live with a ‘recklessly creative’ attitude.
Recklessly Creative: Rejecting Your Fear & Unlocking Dreams
By identifying passions, goals, and all the things that block you from even trying, you can be empowered to live a 'recklessly creative' life.
It's hard to be brave in a world that's so loud. Learn to tune those voices out and chase after the thing you're meant to be doing. Nothing is accomplished unless you're willing to forge your own pathway. Through guided exercise, discussion, and reflection, this workshop will help you make those first steps towards your creative goals.

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Insightful workshop, inspiring story.
I got so much value from this workshop. I feel like I really needed to take this clear, honest look at what fills up my time, what excuses I'm making, and how I'm standing in my own way. The workshop helped me reflect on what my ultimate goal is, and to start forming the first steps of a plan that will get me there. Alanna's story of her journey is inspiring and encouraging, and this whole workshop is presented in such an honest and relatable way.”
— Aly B. writer, book reviewer
It was inspiring and reminded me that I am not living the life I want and that once I retire at the end of this year I am going to begin to become the person that makes me happy and spend my time on my passions.
— workshop participant, 2024
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Your host, Alanna Rusnak, is ready to serve up her personal story & send you chasing after your goals!
For just $17.99 you will gain lifetime access to the video, an invitation to an exclusive 1-1 30 minute Zoom conversation with Alanna, as well as bonus content including the worksheets, the full transcript, presentation slides, and a comprehensive Q&A list that will continue to grow as more people participate.
lifetime access to the video & full transcript valued at $83.99
1-1 Zoom consultation valued at $64.99
worksheet pdfs valued at $14.99
discount offer for mentoring services potential savings of over $200
For only $29.99 you will gain lifetime access to the video, an invitation to an exclusive 1-1 30 minute Zoom conversation with Alanna, all additional content presented in the bonus content option PLUS we will mail you a special print goal-setting workbook that will help you identify your next steps.
lifetime access to the video & full transcript valued at $83.99
1-1 Zoom consultation valued at $64.99
worksheets valued at $14.99
discount offer for mentoring services potential savings of over $200
print copy of the goal-setting workbook valued at $19.99
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
“I was impressed. I really liked how user-friendly it was ... valuable and encouraging information.”
— Monica Di Franseco, author of My Journey from Abuse to Abounding
You certainly can! Following the free video, you may want to spend a little more time working over your passion and your goals. The bonus content is a great tool for this. Simply return to this page after you’ve watched the free video and select the bonus content button of your choice. This will direct you to the payment page where everything you need is ready to be downloaded.
The 1-1 Zoom call is opportunity for you to use your thirty minutes however you see fit. If you would like to discuss what you learned from the seminar, that would be wonderful. If you would like Alanna to offer suggestions to help you reach your goals, she is ready to do that. If you have questions directly related to publishing and Chicken House Press, that’s also fair game.
If you don’t need or want to participate in the Zoom call, that is fine too. Just opt out of it when you complete the checkout for the bonus or premium option.
Though the seminar is geared towards writers, the exercises you’re challenged to participate in are designed to help anyone identify their own passions and goals.
The video itself is only 62 minutes, but you will be encouraged to pause it and reflect on some things. It would be good to set aside an hour and a half for the actual workshop, but you may find yourself taking longer with the exercises or coming back to it later after some reflection.
Yes. A link will be sent to your email so you can access the seminar when you have the time and space to do so.
I am going to share about a special service I offer. Anyone who attends the workshop will be invited to participate in that offer at a discounted rate. You will be under no obligation to take this any further than you wish. This offer is available to all participants - the savings offered will increase depending on the tier you register for.
The workbook delivers everything that’s good about the workshop in a lovely, bound package. It’s a way you can carry on with what you learn and let it inform your choices moving forward. It delivers the full teaching in a creative narrative that will help you sink a little deeper into Alanna’s story while giving you space to explore your own thoughts, hopes, and goals. With a lot of space for you to journal your thoughts, make notes, and give a home to your goals, the workbook aims to help you make a plan that can carry you forward.
You can access the worksheets, the transcript, and the workbook individually in the digital Recklessly Creative Shop. (See link below.)

The Recklessly Creative workshop is NOT going to teach you how to make money; it’s NOT going to give you a cookie-cutter answer to your big life questions; it WILL NOT write your story for you. The Recklessly Creative Workshop is for the person caught on the edge of taking that next step. It is for the person who needs help identifying their passion and eliminating the noise that is stopping them from pursuing that. Though geared towards writers and creatives, the Recklessly Creative workshop could be helpful for anyone feeling a little lost on their journey.
Chicken House Press and Alanna Rusnak offer no guarantee that this seminar will change your life. The only person that can change your life is you.
👇👇👇 A sneak peek at what you’ll get with the bonus content 👇👇👇