A publishing imprint is a unique identifier that is attached to an ISBN. This separates your book from any other book on the market.

It is a unique name or brand that is the official publisher of your book.

Chicken House Press is a registered Ontario business and both Chicken House Press and Alanna Rusnak Publishing are registered publishers with the Canadian government and the Library and Archives Canada. As such, any book published underneath one of these imprints becomes part of the permanent literary collection in Ottawa, Ontario.

Chicken House Press is an imprint operating under a traditional model wherein CHP acquires the rights to an author’s manuscript and assumes all risk and expense for the publication. It is highly competitive and only takes on a small number of projects per year.


Alanna Rusnak Publishing is a service-based imprint which means the author hires ARP to complete everything from editing to final publication and online distribution. It offers a faster turn-around and lower rate of rejection. More than 80% of ARP authors make back their initial investment within the first two months of their book being published.