Are you interested in working in publishing?
Chicken House Press is not currently hiring for any positions but is open to bringing on some freelance editors.
A freelance editor would bring an author and project to Chicken House Press, sharing in the book sale profits upon publication. Any editor would first be vetted by CHP through an application process, interview, and real-time proof of skill. [Learn more]
Interested in volunteer work?
Chicken House Press needs a pool of early reviewers. If you love to read and feel confident providing and posting thoughtful reviews in exchange for a pre-released copy of a book, please complete the application form on the Review Team page.
CHP is open to the possibility of taking on a high school co-op student if a student expresses real interest in publishing and administrative work. Please use the contact form if you’d like to explore this possibility.
CHP will also be exploring a government grant for a paid summer student intern. More details will be posted if this becomes a reality.
Blank Spaces Magazine is currently seeking a freelance ad salesperson(s).
Salesperson must be self-motivated and able to find their own leads. They must be familiar with the values and aesthetic of Blank Spaces and seek out Canadian advertisers for print and digital who are in-line with such values. Salesperson may set their own advertising fees and retain 90% of all sales revenue after our minimum rate is met. This is a contractual agreement that does not guarantee income. Salesperson is paid commission only and expected to bring in at least one new advertising client/month (three per issue). Please send a resume and cover letter to advertising@blankspaces.ca.