Personal thoughts on…
Business, Publishing, and the Journey of Chicken House Press
1000 Days in Full Time Business
Maybe it’s foolish to throw a few dollars down on a counter for four gold foil balloons, or maybe—just maybe—it’s really important to mark a milestone, even if it’s kind of silly.
Talking About BIG FAILURE on the Zen Rodeo Podcast
Have you ever felt the gut punch of confidence being knocked out of you? As much as I think it’s an important experience to go through (as long as it doesn’t put you in a position you can’t recover from), it’s a hard pill to swallow.
Saying Goodbye to My Little Business
“It’s possible,” I said as traffic started to move through the lights.
After 150 Days, I'm Still Here
Here I am. Six months into this self-employment journey. Twenty-six weeks since I could rely on a steady pay cheque. 150 days since I've had someone telling me what to do.
What I've Learned After One Month of Self-Employment
Showing up to a job that doesn't move you or challenge you or encourage growth or empower you to do better is not a job; it's a chore.