Small Town Summer Nights
Featuring a foreword by Marina L. Reed (author of On the Edge) and short fiction by Crystal Randall Barnett, Daryl Bruce, Finnian Burnett, Alyssa Bushell, Casey Fehr, Jennifer Moffatt, Noa Padawer-Blatt, and Karen Walker.
To be included in this anthology, writers had to make the decision to dive deep and explore zones of discomfort in order to captivate the reader; in order to bring characters to life; in order to make an impact.
Through eight short stories you will be reminded who you used to be when you yearned for who you wanted to become; you will cower as a child at the hand of an overzealous mother; you will mourn growing pains; you will return home; you will grieve lost loved ones and wrong choices; you will explore and you will be explored.
Don’t just read these stories because they are all Canadian, read them because you want a reprieve, read them because you want to explore a piece of yourself left hidden, read them because they are too good to miss.
Available for KINDLE, KOBO, and AMAZON PRIME.
Featuring a foreword by Marina L. Reed (author of On the Edge) and short fiction by Crystal Randall Barnett, Daryl Bruce, Finnian Burnett, Alyssa Bushell, Casey Fehr, Jennifer Moffatt, Noa Padawer-Blatt, and Karen Walker.
To be included in this anthology, writers had to make the decision to dive deep and explore zones of discomfort in order to captivate the reader; in order to bring characters to life; in order to make an impact.
Through eight short stories you will be reminded who you used to be when you yearned for who you wanted to become; you will cower as a child at the hand of an overzealous mother; you will mourn growing pains; you will return home; you will grieve lost loved ones and wrong choices; you will explore and you will be explored.
Don’t just read these stories because they are all Canadian, read them because you want a reprieve, read them because you want to explore a piece of yourself left hidden, read them because they are too good to miss.
Available for KINDLE, KOBO, and AMAZON PRIME.
Featuring a foreword by Marina L. Reed (author of On the Edge) and short fiction by Crystal Randall Barnett, Daryl Bruce, Finnian Burnett, Alyssa Bushell, Casey Fehr, Jennifer Moffatt, Noa Padawer-Blatt, and Karen Walker.
To be included in this anthology, writers had to make the decision to dive deep and explore zones of discomfort in order to captivate the reader; in order to bring characters to life; in order to make an impact.
Through eight short stories you will be reminded who you used to be when you yearned for who you wanted to become; you will cower as a child at the hand of an overzealous mother; you will mourn growing pains; you will return home; you will grieve lost loved ones and wrong choices; you will explore and you will be explored.
Don’t just read these stories because they are all Canadian, read them because you want a reprieve, read them because you want to explore a piece of yourself left hidden, read them because they are too good to miss.
Available for KINDLE, KOBO, and AMAZON PRIME.