Episode 07 - Blank Spaces Magazine

Michael Schmidt is a student of the publishing program at Centennial College and he reached out for some insight into the publishing industry, specifically indie magazine publication. Michael was published in the June 2023 issue of Blank Spaces magazine and brought 10 great questions that will give you a little look into how the magazine got started and how it keeps its head above water.

Michael’s work in Blank Spaces: https://www.blankspaces.ca/magazines/p/june2023digital

Have your own questions about publishing? Book a free 15 minute zoom with me and ask away: https://www.chickenhousepress.ca/contact

Theme music is Morning by LiQWYD

Blank Spaces Annual Subscription
from $16.00
Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.


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