CHP Acquires Six Book Series on Grief

Chicken House Press is thrilled to announce the acquisition of a six book series on grief from co-creators Marina L. Reed and Marian Grace Boyd.

Remember, It's Ok is a series written for a grieving person and those seeking to provide support.

The books allow for growth and awareness for the one who grieves as well as the one seeking to “be there,” providing words, tools, and insight into the movement of grief.

Everything about the books has been carefully crafted: the layout - not too many words on a page, space for breath; the format - using a colour paradigm; the movement - inserting blank pages so each person can document their own journey; the feel - warm, inviting and caring; the look - soft and inviting with places to breathe.

Combining Marina’s way with words and Marian’s way with grief, a new and empowering way to deal with grief has been created.

L-R: Marina L. Reed, Marian Grace Boyd

Marina L. Reed (honB.A., M.A., B.Ed.) grew up in rural Ontario. She has since lived and worked in countries around the world as an educator, journalist, writer, and artist. She brings her skills as a writer (Ms. Reed has authored 11 books, she has written many scripts for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and freelance magazine articles) and experiences of loss in her own life to co-create the six books in the series on grief Remember, It’s OK. She is a great lover of nature, animals, and the empowerment of individuals.

There is a comfort for me in knowing that (these) books... will bring healing to those suffering from loss, and that they won’t feel alone. There was nothing like this when I needed it. These Remember books are for those suffering from grief… and those outside looking in and wanting to help.
— Marina L. Reed

Marian Grace Boyd (B.R.E., B.A.Psych, M.A. Counseling Psych.) was born in Switzerland, lived in Chad, Africa, and then settled in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 

Marian has 30+ years experience as a psychotherapist, adoption practitioner, grief counsellor.  She brings her formal training and experiences of grief together in order to co-author Remember, It's OK. Marian is passionate about helping people find peace and hope.

Grief is a normal part of life. Let’s bring it back to normal, and learn to grieve and support one another in grief. We can do this. And by doing this we’ll begin to make a difference in our families and communities - as people are able to embrace their own journey, find healing and become even stronger as a result.
— Marian Grace Boyd

Watch for the release of the full series later this fall.

Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.

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