Musings From a Quiet Place

Devotional readings to inspire and challenge

by Diane Eaton

...just what I needed today!
...a great way to look at the life of Christ!
Thank you for creating this ‘picture’ of our great Physician.

—feedback on Pesbycan Devotional Website

...a reminder that every single person in this world wants to feel like they belong...

From Diane’s Introduction

Apparently, few of us think about how we think. What we assume to be thinking is really just reacting. When we’re habitually reacting, we’re not thinking or reflecting.

Perhaps you find yourself on this treadmill. You have depended on the thinking of others; and that has failed to satisfy your need.

I’m familiar with this predicament. This is what propelled me into the habit of thinking, searching, and writing. It came about through necessity, as my way to navigate through life challenges.

The devotional readings in Musings from a Quiet Place are mere glimpses into my thoughts. I trust they will serve as springboards for your own exciting discoveries.

You will notice my ongoing referral to God as my source of wisdom, comfort – and really, just what I’ve needed to live effectively day by day. I do not provide spiritual placebos - but rather, gentle nudges to engage your thoughts and imagination. It is my hope that you yourself will discover, in increasing measures, the unimaginable capabilities of our Creator and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

In recent years my quiet place, literally, has been a recliner chair beside our picture window overlooking a peaceful wooded valley. Here I have been drawn near to the heart of God. Physical restriction through infirmity has been providential. It has freed me to muse, to write, and to prepare this book. This project has provided me a positive focus and meaningful goal. Thus, it is firstly for my benefit.

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