Finding Sacred

January 16, 2022

Last week I shared in my Instagram stories about how I wanted to put up boundaries around my weekend; how I think it’s really important to claim a sabbath as a time to honour yourself, to rest, to rediscover all the good you don’t see when you’re worried about deadlines and budgets and bottom lines and all the things.

Someone commented on my story, sharing that she has claimed her weekends as sacred space, and I love that. I told her I wanted to steal it.

But here’s the thing… sometimes we can’t be everything we want to be and sometimes deadlines are heavier than our need for rest.

And sometimes… (and this might make you uncomfortable) …work feels sacred.

This is my confession: I spent all day Saturday working. But I liked it. It was quiet and cozy and life-giving.

As I use January to practice balance and boundaries, I am finding that my sacred is a bubble bath; it is a cup of coffee; it is an evening on the couch with my daughter watching movies from the 90s; it is flirting with my husband; it is sitting at the piano; it is texting my son in North Bay to see whose morning is colder; it’s putting more wood on the fire; it’s competing with my middle son for who can tell the most inappropriate joke without crossing the line. It is also seven Saturday hours of cuddling with a kitten as I read through a manuscript that makes me cry.

Work CAN be sacred. Sabbath matters but it doesn’t have to fit any mould but the one you need in the moment. ✨

I will not feel guilty for doing what lights me up. I will continue to practice balance. I will not say yes to things that don’t bring me life. I will keep growing and changing and reaching and thriving and I hope you do too. 💕

So whatever your sacred is, carve space for it, be unapologetic, and let it change with you… because it will, and that’s part of the joy of the journey.

Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.

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